Saturday 6 February 2010

Caught Peanut-Pawed

C was out for a motorbike run this morning, but it was so foggy that they called it a day after they'd had a short run to Blessington and stopped for breakfast.  So I went out to open the back gate shortly before I expected him back, and spotted the grey squirrel. I dashed upstairs to get my camera and he was still there when I got back. The first picture is taken through two windows, so it's a bit hazy. I managed to get the back door open without totally startling him, but after a minute sitting on the wall, then he made a dash for it. The other day C saw him running along under the fascia board on the shed, and was worried that he might have a little tunnel into the shed. But I think he just uses it as a safe, sheltered run to get to the back wall and into the trees again.
If it's just one squirrel, I don't mind a few nuts here and there, but if he keeps on stealing the fat-balls, I'll have to start investigating the more expensive so-called squirrel-proof feeders.

1 comment:

shirley said...

I am really enjoying all your photography Sabrina!
Love the wildlife photos.