Showing posts with label Cork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cork. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Cork catch-up

 I said that I had been down to Cork in February, and I shared a few photos in my February Favourites resumé. If I'd known we'd see so many birds I'd have packed either a tripod and longer lens or my bridge camera which has a longer zoom, but I was stuck with what I had. The full album is here:

The small castle is Blackrock Castle and Observatory, which my sister said we'll visit another time. 

Since I already shared the bird highlights in that earlier post, I will here include a few shots from my January visit, which was a walk in the same place but closer to the city along the river Lee. 

And having caught up with January and February, that means that I should be able to add a post from Farmleigh some time this week. We've had a couple of lovely sunny days where you could really feel the warmth of the sun - Thursday was one of those, so after doing the shopping I took my camera and headed out straight away seeing that Friday's forecast was not so good.  The first days of sunshine were so welcome - the amount of grey days with no sunshine at all was getting to be so long that it was making newspaper headlines. 

Friday, 28 February 2025

February Favourites

 Once again are thin on the ground...

We had such dismal weather - it was making the news headlines when some parts of the country had seen no sunshine for 10 days. So my sister and I decided that last weekend was probably a better bet than the previous one for me to go down to Cork. It probably was - Sunday was very wild, wet and windy but we had a lovely walk along the Lee in the afternoon on Saturday, and with the tide going out, got to see more than just seagulls. It was especially lovely to see two curlews - we heard them on one of our walks elsewhere last year but didn't see them. This time it was see but not here. I still haven't edited my photos from that walk yet, so I'll just add a few photos here and then (hopefully) have a link to an album next time I manage to make a post. 

Curlew, curlew with oystercatchers, turnstone, plover, and a painted drainage something or other - the little ladybird was painted over a protrusion in the pipework. If I'd known that we were likely to see so many birds I'd either have brought my Nikon or a longer lens for my Olympus, but with the weather forecast being what it was, I had no great expectations. 

This month's blog header is some snakeshead fritillaries in Farmleigh, taken last March. 

Friday, 31 January 2025

January favourites

are very slim pickings...I like the first one which was almost entirely scraps from various containers on my desk, apart from the crimped ATC base, crimping being what was called for.  And the third one was fun because while looking for something to create a background for the dolphin, I spotted the cover of a pad of watercolour paper.

I visited my sister for a weekend in the middle of the months. Days were still shorter then (loving the already noticeable lengthening in the days) and the weather wasn't very inspiring, but we did go for a walk along the Marina Walk by the Lee. They're doing a lot of flood relief works so not all of the paths were accessible, but it was somewhere I'd never been before and it was a pleasant outing. Small (15 photos) album is HERE. 

The blog header is from a February visit to my sister last year - again, pretty dismal weather. As I recall, at that stage my sister had put her camera away, it not being in any way weatherproof. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Catching up

 Before it gets to be time for a May Favourites card post, I am badly behind with regular photos. 

From the bird reserve: 

There was a large assortment of bird houses installed in the trees. I'm not sure how many of them birds actually nest in , but they were certainly very picturesque, and no two the same. 

There are a few more in the small album I uploaded from that visit -

Mid month I went down to my sister for a weekend. She works a half day on Friday, so in the afternoon we went to visit a military fort which had recently re-opened. It was interesting - a large part of it is underground - partly because it was a safe environment for storing the gunpowder. A lot of the original floors were wood, for the same reason. The volunteer who led us through the tunnel part said that as far as they know, the horses bringing the gunpowder from Ballincollig Gunpowder Mills would have been unshod, to avoid the risk of sparks from shod hooves on the road, so they were then rested for a day or two before their return journey back to Ballincollig. 

We had a great view across the bay to my sister's office, and also to Cobh, which was the last port before America for  many trans-Atlantic ships including the Titanic and the Lusitania .

I'll only add a few photos here, but again I have a full album from my weekend trip if you have time and interest. On the Saturday we took a picnic lunch to The Lough - a small lake right in the centre of suburban Cork. I've often heard of it as C and a good friend he visits often go walking there, but it's the first time I've been and it was such an unexpected sight.

Thursday, 29 February 2024

February Favourites

 Thin on the ground... we've been short-staffed in work and I've had to do extra days, 

I spent a weekend mid-month with my sister. The weather was pretty dreary, but we went to a forest park beside a reservoir, also the national rowing centre of Ireland - it was a pleasant walk in spite of the misty drizzle, and there was a little van selling hot drinks which was a nice treat afterwards.

An abundance of red berries, which we presumed were not attractive to the birds as there were so many of them. 

I had a rather unnerving experience on Monday when my front brake stopped working shortly after leaving home. I had felt it was a bit loose and was thinking I must book a service sooner rather than later, when it went altogether. I was careful but not overly worried because I knew we had replaced the rear cable just before Christmas, so it was quite a shock when the rear brake too stopped working totally - luckily on the flat, and luckily near work so I didn't have too far to push the bike. And luckily a day C was working at home, and was able to come in at lunch and pick me up.
As I walked I passed this utility box, which has definitely been repainted as used to be something else altogether.
Two  new brake cables and everything is fine again, but especially when one was almost brand new it's a bit of a mystery to everybody how it could have happened.

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

January favourites and a beach

 Are very thin on the ground...

I spent a weekend earlier in the month with my sister. On the Sunday morning we went to a beach in West Cork for a walk and a fish and chips (fries) lunch. Although the weather doesn't look great in the photos, it was beautiful for our drive over, and was in fact lovely for our walk. Queuing for the fish and chips was very windy, the beach much less so. 

Long Strand, Castlefreke.