Friday, 11 February 2011

Bits and pieces

It's been a grey, dull week. I've been trying so hard to get a blanket dry - the first time I finally got it on the line it blew off and I had to wash it all over again.

Hitching a ride - of course he wasn't, but I had fun watching this juvenile gull for a while this morning.

Two more signs for last week's photo challenge on SCS. The first one caught my eye as being a signpost on a poster. The second one comes from a series of different signs relating to transporting Guinness. I chose this one because my mother used to have a good friend whose husband was an electrician on the Guinness  barges, and this was one of the boats he worked on. My old sewing machine is a legacy from them. I meant to take a picture of it, but today rather disappeared. It's in a lovely wooden case, and Ed electrified it for his wife. Some time back when my Brother needed servicing I had the old Singer out to make curtains for my brother. The guy who came to service the Brother recognised the exact model of the Singer just from looking at the case, and told me never to get rid of it. It only goes forward and back, nothing fancy, not even zigzag, but I'll certainly hold on to it until it needs parts that aren't available.

And some spring flowers - I saw the hellebore in work this morning, and the card is my first attempt at making a rose from grunge paper. Since C is on the unromantic side of things at the best of times, and whatever the equivalent of the Grinch is for St. Valentine's Day, I made this into an anniversary card, and I'll just have to hope I can find it in June.


Lorraine said...

There's got to be a name for that - finding a 2 for 1 in that poster with the signpost. I'll be thinking on that for a while, but what a catch. Your rose is beautiful and so lifelike with the "dew". Hope you have a sunnier weekend.

Sabriel said...

serendipity? I love that rose, i have some grunge paper, but haven't quite worked out how to use it properly yet. I love the idea of a Valentine's Grinch, my OH is a bit like that too, although I got some roses today.....he likes to be different........:P