Tuesday, 7 July 2020

July snaps

July started out raining...

and it feels as it has pretty much continued that way, although fortunately not on Saturday afternoon when I visited my sister. I had taken a couple of photos of this utility box last summer, but that was the time my memory card got corrupted, and I wasn't able to download any of the photos from that day. The last couple of times I was there were over the winter on dull grey days, but as Saturday was bright, I was able to snap it again. Just with my phone - knitting, chocolate mousse and assorted other things meant that I didn't actually pack my camera that day.

And never, in all the times I have visited the English Market, has it been so empty. However, I didn't wish to stand about in the way in the entrance blocking other people, so I only took one quick shot of the lovely Art Deco heron fountain; usually it's so crowded that it's not possible to get a full view of it.

I shared a couple of closer shots last summer. In case you missed them, here they are again:


Wavejumper said...

I love your close up pictures, esp of nature.
What a cool thing to paint utility boxes!
Gee...a fountain. I love that the sign there that says they have been in business for 230 years! Amazing! Chocolate mousse! Yummy! I got a wild blueberry pie I plan to heat up tomorrow during a storm to have with vanilla ice cream.
Hugs Margot

Lorraine said...

I love that your utility boxes are really painted. We have decorated ones here too now, but they're wrapped with plastic that has the artwork on it. I adore that fountain. The colors are spectacular.