Monday, 29 February 2016

Switzerland part 1

Finally, sneaking in just before February ends, I edited some of my Swiss photos while on the phone to my dad. A 54 minute conversation left me with enough for several blog posts this week!

We landed in Mulhouse which is actually in Northern France, but one of the airport exits takes you into German-speaking Switzerland; we got a bus into Basel where we took a train to Neuchatel - this is the front of the train station, and the little bread man was in the cafe where we bought sandwiches. Since we landed in Geneva last time, which is French-speaking, I found it much more challenging to try to get by with my very minimal German...

Murals in the station 

Old signal box, I guess, in one of the branch-line stations we stopped in.

The rest of the photos were all taken along the lake shore on Saturday, we walked to to the next town.

There were plenty of tufted ducks, mallards and mergansers, but also a few of these goosander.


Saturday, 20 February 2016

On the way to work...

I've been sick for most of the last two weeks - no fun. From Wednesday this week I went back to work. C has been sick too, and has been getting the bus this week instead of his motorbike or cycling, just to make things easier on himself. So when he forgot his lunch on Friday, I took pity on him and got the bus all the way over to meet him at his work, and then walked back across town. Since I had some bread crusts in my backpack expecting to be feeding the gulls on the river, I took a small detour through the park and fed the ducks there instead - lots of moorhens, and some tufted ducks too as well as mallards. These gulls are starting to come into their adult plumage.

And the other two photos were just snaps along the way - the WiFi mosaic is on Grafton Street, and the City of Physics (there are quite a few of them around) is on Parliament Street.

Soon I hope to get time and energy to edit and upload some of my photos from Switzerland...

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

January Favourites

January was not a productive month on the card front, but here are my favourites...

I don't really go for girls with no faces, but I did like how this turned out...

This month's blog header is a photo of a male chaffinch taken in the back garden last February.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Photo Prompts finished

The last of my photos taken for Clare's prompts. 

Neon: hi-vis jackets are mandatory in work. If you forget yours and are lucky, the security guards at the gates have a few. For the purposes of this photo, it was lucky that they did on Thursday. Sometimes they're all out of them - and then you have to contact someone already in the building and ask them to come out with one for you. I took this with my phone and had forgotten that I'd turned the screen contrast way down, so they are super-bright neon. I meant to also take a photo of a pen I bought for C at the Eiffel Tower, it's one of those ones with a light that changes colour and they are neon hues...but I didn't have time.

I didn't have time because we were away for the weekend.
Friday's prompt was inspiration, and as we were travelling I didn't manage to find anything.
Saturday was "Once Upon a Time", and Sunday was "self, so I have sort of combined them.
I was hoping to find a castle that would make a good "once upon a time"picture, but didn't manage that. Instead, here is the archway over a door of a building we walked past in Auvernier.
And me sitting on an old stone bench in front of the church in Neuchatel. If it comes to it - I guess reflections always inspire me, a late double entry for that prompt.

The sign reads something like this: the donjon (keep, inner tower) terrace looks down over a ditch which was dug before the year 1000, to strengthen the defences of the town. The two stone benches date from the 18th century, and were visited by Balzac and Madame Hanska on the occasion of their meeting in Neuchatel in 1833. At that time they were situated on le Crêt, a small hill situated at the end of the Grande Promenade beside the lake.