I said that I had been down to Cork in February, and I shared a few photos in my February Favourites resumé. If I'd known we'd see so many birds I'd have packed either a tripod and longer lens or my bridge camera which has a longer zoom, but I was stuck with what I had. The full album is here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MJj9cU2yvrvwXPsm6
The small castle is Blackrock Castle and Observatory, which my sister said we'll visit another time.
Since I already shared the bird highlights in that earlier post, I will here include a few shots from my January visit, which was a walk in the same place but closer to the city along the river Lee.
And having caught up with January and February, that means that I should be able to add a post from Farmleigh some time this week. We've had a couple of lovely sunny days where you could really feel the warmth of the sun - Thursday was one of those, so after doing the shopping I took my camera and headed out straight away seeing that Friday's forecast was not so good. The first days of sunshine were so welcome - the amount of grey days with no sunshine at all was getting to be so long that it was making newspaper headlines.