Sunday 22 September 2019

Floral Utility

A couple of weeks back I walked home through the park to take a couple of photos for a Flat Stanley project for someone. By the time I got to the park gates (well past the point of no return in terms of getting the bus), it started to rain. So I stopped for a few minutes to shelter till the worst of the shower was over. This utility box is just between the courthouse and the park gates. There were several more showers, but luckily not when I got to the point where I had planned to take photos.

I got my Tyvek out again and made this - I have another piece painted and sitting on the desk waiting to heat and then see what it will become. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The texture you get with that tyvek is remarkable. Great card. That utility box is quite eye-catching too.
