Tuesday 16 July 2013

June Cards

Phew - this weather has been fabulous but way too hot to spend much time in my attic, where the temperature has been mostly over 28C.
So not much more photo-editing has been achieved, unfortunately.
Instead, I'm picking out my favourite June cards. Lean pickings, as it was such a busy month between one thing and another.

I've been trying to photograph graffiti around town for an older SCS photo challenge, and this first photo is one I spotted today. I saw the second one a couple of weeks ago - one of the days when my camera was in being cleaned, and I just had C's little pocket camera. But since it was an area of town I don't often walk through, I was glad to have it when I saw the wolf.

I've seen baby robins in the hedge! Have to wait for them to emerge before I can get any photos, though.


Lorraine said...

They are all beauties. You've been a lot more productive than I have. I can't blame the heat though. It has been hot, that's true, but I've just not had much opportunity for card making. I have to get back into my good habits! I agree, it would have been a pity to miss an opportunity to photograph that wolf.

Sabriel said...

wow I love that wolf! And lovely cards as always :) I sympathise about the heat, we sleep in an attic conversion, even with blackout blinds down all day, windows open AND a fan at night, it's still unpleasant. Roll on Autumn!!