Tuesday 24 January 2012


We are regularly having two robins together these days - one still a bit of a dimwit, and one who knows that when it hears the door open it's likely to get food.

Redpolls on the feeder. They're quite feisty little birds - while there may be six or more around, they don't seem to tolerate more than three at a time on the feeder.

Still getting regular visits from the female blackcap, though I haven't seen a male yet. And we had long-tailed tits on the fat-ball feeder the other day too - a real treat!


Sabriel said...

lovely photo and video, I love the sound of the birds too. We've had a lot of little birds lately, I'm glad the magpies haven't got rid of them entirely.

Lorraine said...

Those rusty faces and bibs on the robins are so pretty. I love your video. The chirping birds sure is a happy sound.